Vladislav Kostadinov CONTemporary Library Exhibition Installation
CONTemporary Library Exhibition Installation is Silver Design Award winner in 2016 - 2017 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
CONTemporary Library Exhibition Installation

The installation is located at the largest and main room of the abandoned since decades old Turkish bath - hammam in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. It represents a temporary library containing solely books of art. It provides lots of comfortable places to sit or lay, bookcases, magazines and newspapers shelves, as well as computer with very rich and detailed multimedia and video archive of artists. It can be used also for presenting art performances. Thus the ancient bath currently becomes one of a kind Center for Con temporary Art in Bulgaria.

CONTemporary Library Exhibition Installation
Vladislav Kostadinov CONTemporary Library
Vladislav Kostadinov Exhibition Installation
Vladislav Kostadinov design
Vladislav Kostadinov design
Art Today Association

The association 'Art Today's aim is to present alternative and experimental forms of contemporary art; to work for their exploration and documentation; to create an informational data base, which presents contemporary authors; to prepare periodic and unique art newsletters; to create a multimedia laboratory, etc.