ZigPack cardboard packaging for carrying bottles without hiding the product, the bottle is still the star and its combination creates an amazing visual impact. ZigPack is made of kraft cardboard (100 % recyclable). It is practical, green, environmentally sustainable and requires minimal storage space. ZigPack is personalized on request, printing your logo or image, so you can advertise your brand through ZigPack.
Xavier Bernis, as the designer of his own advertising company, FACIL.CAT, decided to create a new packaging that solved the old problem of transporting wine bottles and at the same time served for 3 purposes: 1- Safe and environmentally friendly transportation 2- Can transmit brand image 3- Easy storage The idea came up while making the weekly purchase in a market and was thinking about a design that had in mind for a customer, when leaving the store with 2 bottles of wine in a plastic bag and continuously hear the noise of the glass, Two concepts at a time, the design that was thinking and the noise of the bottles ... and there began to be born the Zigpack. When he arrived at the studio, he began to work on it