Simone Mantovani Canada Residence
Canada Residence is Silver Design Award winner in 2016 - 2017 Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award Category.
Canada Residence

Overlapping volumes and glass walls were combined to create a sense of transparency and open space in this minimalist style Sao Paulo City residence. The transparency of the living space created continuity between the large internal garden and a ray pool, providing light and union between interior and exterior, fully integrated to the house through slippery glass panels. The spatial integration aimed to promote intense interaction and coexistence among individuals in the family, one of the keys in designing this project.

Canada Residence
Simone Mantovani Canada
Simone Mantovani Residence
Simone Mantovani design
Simone Mantovani design
Simone Mantovani

Simone Mantovani has being working for more than 20 years, with passion and delight for architecture and people, translating desires and ways of life into forms, functionality and technology, in a unique and individual approach. Always researching for new materials and solutions that could impact and improve her projects, and combining her knowledge in interior design, lighting and cenography for innovative and surprising results. And not least, customer participation is stimulated to the maximum and seen as crucial to the definitive success of her projects.

Simone Mantovani Arquitetura

Simone Mantovani has been working, since she got majored in architecture and urbanism, as partner and creative director at the family business Construtora Mantovani, where she developed many enterprising projects as single residences, apartments, business offices, condominiums and high standard buildings. At the same time produced several interior design projects and furniture design. In 2001, she started up her own new firm, Simone Mantovani Arquitetura, with a whole new profile; aiming the integration of her background experiences on commercial, residencial and institucional architecture with interior design. All her projects are developed on the basis of research into materials and on elaborate construction, always taking into consideration the environments in which they are to come to life. There is no pre-determined script for the architectual incursions which, in general, starts with the overall layout and might terminate, for example, in designing a very special lamp. The client's briefing and the analysis of how he interacts with his environment is the starting point, that will ally experience to the art of spaces creation.