Chia-Hung Weng Reconnecting the Human Relationships Office
Reconnecting the Human Relationships Office is Golden Design Award winner in 2016 - 2017 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
Reconnecting the Human Relationships Office

On the basis of the cold white reflecting the daylight, the large ceiling windows and glass walls create the bright atmosphere. These walls have brought before people the great view and outlined the boundaries among the small and medium areas. The designer had made this company a comfortable place space where the more opportunities are foreseeable for the clients, attorneys-in charge and employees.

Reconnecting the Human Relationships Office
Chia-Hung Weng Reconnecting the Human Relationships
Chia-Hung Weng Office
Chia-Hung Weng design
Chia-Hung Weng design
Chia-Hung Weng

設計,就有如描繪素描般,每刻畫一 ,即能使空間的畫紙更添精緻,設計 隊深知,生活品質方為設計空間之本 ,設計者更應無時無刻充實自我、用 體會生活,通過紮實的實務經驗與工 品質的控管,實現每一位業主心中日 夜冀盼的空間作品,能親眼看見業主 持著享受去體驗優質的生活品質,即 懷生國際設計對於設計保持熱忱及動 力的一切之泉源。

Wyson Int'l Architecture Interior Design

設計,就有如描繪素描般,每刻畫一 ,即能使空間的畫紙更添精緻,設計 隊深知,生活品質方為設計空間之本 ,設計者更應無時無刻充實自我、用 體會生活,通過紮實的實務經驗與工 品質的控管,實現每一位業主心中日 夜冀盼的空間作品,能親眼看見業主 持著享受去體驗優質的生活品質,即 懷生國際設計對於設計保持熱忱及動 力的一切之泉源。