The style that has applied the modern art to interior design creates new images for the space. One of the greatest features, in this project, is the iron screen at the entranceway, the spectacular design that has brought up a visual festival for the residents. The minute aspect is full of the moving and surprising that has created the phenomenal impression and become the modern art for residency.
古代建築師執行建築工程,在工程區 內架設一個方型空間,供建築師與合 工程師~溝通、意見交流、互動的共 空間,即稱之為"方場"。每一 案子的規劃,我們都極為重視,也都 將全力以赴,為了使每一個作品的成 令人驚艷,我們都以近乎苛求的態度 以達~澄、淨、美~的意境。