Chen Chuan Tang Play in Art Interior Design of Restaurant
Play in Art Interior Design of Restaurant is Bronze Design Award winner in 2016 - 2017 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
Play in Art Interior Design of Restaurant

Because of the big dining area, the project is designed into a restaurant having different styles in different areas. The service space, including the kitchen, storage room, rest rooms, etc., are located on the first floor, and this is why no integral design for the dining and playing area. In the major dining area, the amiable and vibrant atmosphere is created by furnishing with dining chairs in red, white and blue, the green-and-white wall, and light-color wooden tables.

Play in Art Interior Design of Restaurant
Chen Chuan Tang Play in Art
Chen Chuan Tang Interior Design of Restaurant
Chen Chuan Tang design
Chen Chuan Tang design
Chen Chuan Tang

Engaged in design work twenty years, the constant re-interpretation of the definition of the design, Trying to get home after the design has been human space. People have personality, but there is also a space character, How intentions designed to meet each person's human space, space is my interpretation of life!

Tang Interior Design Company

每一個至關重要的空間中,氛圍皆是 者靈魂萃取而來,在心靈與空間親密 話時刻,帶入真正的品味,並讓這份 美好深深挹注日常生活的分分秒秒, 管匍匐現實壓力之下,亦能夠在空間 尋覓專屬的身心放鬆時刻。真正的好 設計不僅是讓居者享受身處之境,更 間接與社會形態、自然生命環環相扣 一大奧義;因此,湯鎮權空間設計事 務所希望藉由高品質的設計態度,與 斷精進的設計內涵,探尋空間靈魂, 用整體生活美學的構思與創意,產生 出更多質感空間環境予以渴求美好生 的世人們。