A synthesis of the human form with an autumn leaf, the Leaf Chair supports itself with a minimal steel frame. The boldly hued underside further sets the seat apart from its supports. To create the expression of the leaf, a fiberglass shell was employed to minimize the seat‘s thickness. Steel was chosen for the supports to gently catch the leaf, while allowing the overall form to retain a lightness. By echoing the human form, the seemingly delicate chair maintains maximum support and comfort.
For over thirty years B. David Levine has offered architectural and interior design to clients throughout Southern California. He has exhibited at Dwell on Design, ICFF, Art Furniture LAX and the NY Design Center. In addition, he was the winner of HGTV’s Designer’s Challenge. David develops interior and architectural projects from the ground up and specializes in fantasy homes with features such as wine cellars, theatre rooms, custom furniture design and refined architectural elements.