Alena Pavilion Multifunctional pavilion
Pavilion Multifunctional pavilion is Iron Design Award winner in 2016 - 2017 Street Furniture Design Award Category.
Pavilion Multifunctional pavilion

The project includes a modular pavilion with canopy and bicycle parking. A pavilion has night lights that can be easily adjusted. It is assumed that awning can be used in case of nasty weather. The main advantage of the pavilion is that it is modular construction. Due to that its size and shape can be easily adjusted to different parks and public places, meanwhile, the base unit is unchanged.

 Pavilion Multifunctional pavilion
Alena  Pavilion
Alena Multifunctional pavilion
Alena design
Alena design

My parents, engineers and builders. So that's my favorite thing was definitely when I crossed the threshold of the art studio in five years.   After secondary school, I enrolled in already at that time, the native of Tver Art College. AG Venetsianov secession "design in architectural and spatial environment." After she graduated from the National Institute of Design in Moscow with the same specialty. Active and every day engaged in self-education in the field of design and architecture.   In the future, I want to get the objects of design experience with different areas and levels of complexity: from apartments and playgrounds and to offices, country houses and restaurants.   I prefer modern trends in design and architecture, although I believe that a good designer should be able to carry out projects in any style.