It a customized residence based on users. The indoor's open space connect living room, dining room and study space via freedom traffic flow, and it also brings the green and light from balcony. The exclusive gate for pet can find in each family member’s room. Flat and unimpeded traffic flow is due to the doorsill-less design. The above designs emphasis is to be designed to meet user habits, ergonomic and creative combination of ideas.
Spatial Therapist Expert in transforming original conditionally restricted structure, HerZu Interior Design creates a fluidity of the spatial sense and the traffice flow that depending more upon the owner’s requirements. HerZu makes individuality and innate functional requirements by this means infuse the entire plan with creativity. All the design houses possess an ample storage, while retaining a perfect scale of space, which added to that flexible and unique design aesthetics along with exquisitely meticulous construction. It turn a normal house into a kind dream home, HerZu flows through with a living aesthetic the process of structural. Demolition > Reconstruction > Relocation