Webster Brehm Ca750 Telemedicine Cart
Ca750 Telemedicine Cart is Silver Design Award winner in 2015 - 2016 Medical Devices and Medical Equipment Design Award Category.
Ca750 Telemedicine Cart

Designed with doctors and patients in mind, the CA750 is a telehealth system that easily fits into a hospital’s existing workflow. The CA750 was created to make remote doctor video visits as easy and effective as a traditional in-person visit. The cart’s intuitive features ensure doctors and nurses can focus on the patient in front of them and providing the best care possible. The CA750 overcame the downsides of alternative solutions by focusing on usability, mobility and dependability. Through the CA750, patients can connect with the right doctor at the right time to receive optimal care.

Ca750 Telemedicine Cart
Webster Brehm Ca750
Webster Brehm Telemedicine Cart
Webster Brehm design
Webster Brehm design
Webster Brehm

Webster oversees and manages the marketing and communications strategies for Avizia, a global provider of cutting-edge telehealth technology solutions. Avizia is redefining healthcare with the only end-to-end telehealth platform that combines industry-leading video devices, care coordination software, provider collaboration apps, direct to consumer patient apps, and a video infrastructure in the cloud. With solutions found throughout 36 countries, and 7 of the top 10 U.S. hospitals, Avizia is enabling continuity of care by connecting any provider to any patient in any place.


Avizia is redefining healthcare with the only end-to-end telehealth platform that combines industry-leading video devices, care coordination software, mobile apps for doctors and patients, and a video infrastructure in the cloud. With solutions found throughout 29 states, 36 countries, and 7 of the top 10 U.S. hospitals, Avizia is enabling continuity of care by connecting any doctor to any patient in any place.