Sifi Medtech R&D Well Intraocular Lens
Well Intraocular Lens is Bronze Design Award winner in 2015 - 2016 Medical Devices and Medical Equipment Design Award Category.
Well Intraocular Lens

Mini Well is an Intraocular Lens with an optical design able to correct presbyopia. The patented design concept is based on induction of spherical aberrations to restore a continuum of vision from far to near. Mini Well design extends the depth of field, reduces the risk of photopsy and glares and favors patient neural adaptation. Mini Well design, as a link between monofocal and traditional multifocal optics, promotes patient satisfaction as that of the smiling man in the figure.

Well Intraocular Lens
Sifi Medtech R&D Well
Sifi Medtech R&D Intraocular Lens
Sifi Medtech R&D design
Sifi Medtech R&D design
Sifi Medtech R&D

SIFI Medtech is an Italian company, dedicated to the design, development, production and marketing of medical-surgical devices for ophthalmology. The mission of the company is to satisfy the patients’ needs offering to the ophthalmologists several technologically advanced solutions aimed to improve the patients’ quality of vision and their life. R&D represents SIFI Medtech commitment to the biomedical research in Italy.

Sifi Medtech

SIFI Medtech is an Italian Company located in Lavinaio (Catania), dedicated to the design, development, production and domestic-international marketing of medical-surgical devices and diagnostic equipments for ophthalmology. The mission of the Company is to satisfy the patient’s need offering to the ophthalmologists several technologically advanced solutions. In order to achieve this target SIFI Medtech developed a wide range of proprietary medical device mostly used in cataract surgery, while supporting the ophthalmologists with tailored programs. SIFI Medtech promotes “made in Italy” biomedical innovations all over the world.