Mr. Gordon W.K. Lam; Ms. Wilma F.L. Yuen Toothbat - WOW Dental Floss Holder
Toothbat - WOW Dental Floss Holder is Silver Design Award winner in 2015 - 2016 Beauty, Personal Care and Cosmetic Products Design Award Category.
Toothbat - WOW Dental Floss Holder

Dental floss is highly recommended to prevent the periodontal disease but the tedious technique hinders its popularity. Toothbat-WOW provides an incredible easy and effectiveness flossing experience. Curved four-arm head builds up a 3-directional floss structure which can reach every tooth easily. The handle equipped with “Twister technology”, only 3 simple steps can create the ultimate tension floss for removal of food debris and plaques even better than hand flossing. The curved handle with streamline grooves enhances the force of grip and controllability.

Toothbat - WOW Dental Floss Holder
Mr. Gordon W.K. Lam; Ms. Wilma F.L. Yuen Toothbat - WOW
Mr. Gordon W.K. Lam; Ms. Wilma F.L. Yuen Dental Floss Holder
Mr. Gordon W.K. Lam; Ms. Wilma F.L. Yuen design
Mr. Gordon W.K. Lam; Ms. Wilma F.L. Yuen design
Mr. Gordon W.K. Lam; Ms. Wilma F.L. Yuen

Established in Hong Kong since 2005, ID Infinity Limited (idi) specializes in providing a wide range of design consultancy services. In order to helping my family to develop a daily flossing habit drives me to design a series of oral care products. Toothbat was successfully launched in 2014 and won the various design awards which include: The iF Product Design Award, Germany; The Good Design Award, USA and The Award of HK Industries – Consumer Product Design Award, Hong Kong. Toothbat has also been evaluated by a group of Periodontists of University of Hong Kong and obtained a highly positively comments on the design and functionality. Predicatively, Toothbat will bring a revolutionary change on the oral health standard of public.

idi - Toothbat

idi – Toothbat launched Toothbat – One, the first generation, in 2014 and successfully be nominated be the winner of iF Product Design Award in Germany. In 2015, Toothbat – WOW & Childers were launched to the market. Not only the size and curvature angles of head were greatly enhanced on the second generation, the patented” Twister Technology” was equipped as well. It makes the tying method become much easier and the same time ensures the ultimate tension of floss. It won the variety of design awards. They include “Good Design Award” in USA and “Hong Kong Awards of Industries – Consumer Product Design Award” in Hong Kong.