Edmundas Jankauskas Lithuanian Fruits Packaging
Lithuanian Fruits Packaging is Iron Design Award winner in 2015 - 2016 Packaging Design Award Category.
Lithuanian Fruits Packaging

Purpose of this work was to analyse variety of Lithuanian fruit breeds and their distinctive characteristics. Then create packaging, which would represent their individual properties, be good as protection and successful in the market. A colour is given for every breed, it‘s properties (taste and structure), minerals, vitamins and nutritional values. These colours are chosen to be as close to the property it represents as possible and combined to create a specific style for every fruit.

Lithuanian Fruits Packaging
Edmundas Jankauskas Lithuanian Fruits
Edmundas Jankauskas Packaging
Edmundas Jankauskas design
Edmundas Jankauskas design
Edmundas Jankauskas

Edmundas Jankauskas is a young and perspective designer from Lithuania. After finished studies in Vilnius College of Design, Edmundas now continues his education in Vilnius Academy of Arts and intents to enroll in a Master's degree. His approach to design is that it should be as meaningfull and effective as it can, also aesthetic, functional and lightweight. Every element of the project should be finished up to the very last milimeter or pixel. Edmundas' main work area is packaging and editorial design. He is also interested in interactive web design, has some expertise in web coding solutions, works on some national level web projects (like PHP-Fusion Lithuania National Support Site), helps organizing web developer events, like Hackathon - Lithuania Developer Days and other.

Lietuviški ekologiški vaisiai

"Lietuviški ekologiški vaisiai" is a fictional company created as a part of project. It is based on the following story: "Lithuania has rich fruit growing traditions which date back to 14th century, when dukes and landowers had gardens full of fruits. Many of them were imported from other countries, but it also was a beginning of fruit breeding in Lithuania. Those fruits were eaten by greatest dukes and kings of many countries. Today we have fruit breeds that are dated back to 16th century. We give you opportunity to taste original ecologically grown fruits from the old times and touch small peace our great history."