Anne Dumont Sketch Necklaces and bracelets
Sketch Necklaces and bracelets is Bronze Design Award winner in 2015 - 2016 Jewelry Design Award Category.
Sketch Necklaces and bracelets

The Space collection are necklaces and bracelets made only from one folded wire. These are as well 3D sculpture wich can be used as decorative objects than jewels to be worn. Thanks to its light weight and its equilibrated design, when worn these jewels are not feeled by the person. At the same time, they takes a great place in the space and are strongly visible.

Sketch Necklaces and bracelets
Anne Dumont Sketch
Anne Dumont Necklaces and bracelets
Anne Dumont design
Anne Dumont design
Anne Dumont

Anne Dumont is civil engineer, born in Brussels in 1966. She is specialized as jewelry designer in adaptable jewelry. She developped in 2011 Jewel Box, a collection where the modularity is based on the use of toys building bricks principle. In 2013 she created the Gravity concept, a collection of adaptable jewelry using the threading and the gravity for its modularity. Actually she is working on a third project, being the natural step after the two first. Her philosophy : "Creating tomorrow beauty by wedding art and innovation"

Anne Dumont

Anne Dumont is born in 1966 in Brussels/Belgium. She studied engineering and worked in IT and management during 20 years. Doing no research in her job as engineer, and having a passion for jewelry, she decide to start research in jewelry. She is auto-didacte and find that it is what help her to do innovations in jewelry. She has dreams and having no usual knowledge in jewelry to do it, she has to imagine and create her own solutions. It's why her creations are so unusual, the combination of a jewelry passion and a engineer free to create concepts and designs based only on her own logic.