Albertina Oliveira PomPom Children's clothes Store
PomPom Children's clothes Store is Golden Design Award winner in 2015 - 2016 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
PomPom Children's clothes Store

The perception of the parts and the whole contribute to a geometry, easily identifiable giving emphasis to the products to sell. The difficulties were boosted in the creative act by a large beam that fractured the space, already with small dimensions. The option to incline the ceiling, having the reference measures of the shop window, the beam and the back of the store, was the beginning of the draw to the rest of the program; circulation, exhibition, service counter, dresser and storage. Neutral color dominates the space, punctuated by strong colors that mark and organize the space.

PomPom Children's clothes Store
Albertina Oliveira PomPom
Albertina Oliveira Children's clothes Store
Albertina Oliveira design
Albertina Oliveira design
Albertina Oliveira

Albertina Oliveira - Architecture Lda is an architectural company with 16 years of existence, whose main creative is the architect Albertina Oliveira. Over these 16 years, in addition to architecture, the office has done work of furniture design that have been naturally associated with architectural works and that evolved into the design of exclusive design pieces, mainly using cork as material of choice.

Albertina Oliveira - Arquitectura Unipessoal Lda

In 1999 Albertina Oliveira - Architecture Lda, was established and created the atelier whose mission is to think / propose spaces in which the architecture is consistent in response to various conditions and translate into a whole with identity. The company position translates into a contemporary view of contextual architecture in "several areas". Working with various programs, territories, types, scales, are challenges that stimulate and trigger into a restless attitude that characterizes them and that are considered important in the work method. Albertina Oliveira - Arquitetura Lda mainly works in architectural design, interior design and furniture design. The company is runing by Albertina Oliveira, and have realized several projects in architecture and design.