Diego León Vivar Lab Multifunctional Planter
Lab Multifunctional Planter is Bronze Design Award winner in 2015 - 2016 Furniture Design Award Category.
Lab Multifunctional Planter

This project wants to create and generate feelings and thoughts about relationships between industry and nature. LAB brings and easy and stylish way to cultivate indoor plants. Users can configure its size to fit different areas and its lights allow the plants to be in spaces with not enough natural light sources. It is a modular structure that allows users to play with different configurations of glass containers, which you can use as planters or light sources. The design considers containers for terrariums, hydroponics and for the traditional way of cultivation.

Lab Multifunctional Planter
Diego León Vivar Lab
Diego León Vivar Multifunctional Planter
Diego León Vivar design
Diego León Vivar design
Diego León Vivar

Diego is a passionate Peruvian industrial designer whom moved by curiosity to know different design areas, he has been working as an independent professional since graduating in 2011. Fascinated by the cultural richness of his country, he has traveled to different regions coexisting with ancestral traditions that remain alive, including craftsmanship. Part of this experience has been working together with different artisans, masters in 16 different traditional craft techniques which are held by teaching from father to son for generations. Betting on the value that craftsmanship provides in products and natural empowerment that this has on people who work in this field, Diego is currently dedicated to provide consulting services focused on handicrafts and traditional processes both private companies and the Peruvian government through the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism. In the same way, his work highlights the relationships between men next to industrial processes created by themselves and nature that always remains connected with traditional processes. This has brought to him a new attention of the communicative functions of design, opening the possibility to work some products/sculptures as an inner exploration.