Jiachun HygieneL Indoor Air Monitoring System
HygieneL Indoor Air Monitoring System is Bronze Design Award winner in 2014 - 2015 Digital and Electronic Device Design Award Category.
HygieneL Indoor Air Monitoring System

People spend 90% of their time indoor. However, the indoor air can be much more polluted than the outdoor. This will lead to sick-building syndrome, which includes asthma and other respiratory diseases. A betterway of showing the overall hygiene level is in demand. HygieneL system is designed for this. It has a shell-like sensor node for deploying. The circuit system is able to detect VOCs, CO2, RH and temperature which can be analysized. What's more, it also contains a visualization system for administrators to monitor the overall hygiene status in a building.

HygieneL Indoor Air Monitoring System
Jiachun HygieneL
Jiachun Indoor Air Monitoring System
Jiachun design
Jiachun design

Born in Guangzhou, China, Jiachun is greatly affected by the prosperity and struggle of the secondary industry in Guangdong. He determined to be a inventor to improve the factories in his hometown. Later he chose industrial design as his career in Zhejiang University. Although designer in China now is almost the same meaning of “Simply beautifying something”, Jiachun wants to show that there should be real design in China. He believes that like inventors, designers are born to give good solution to problems. He wants to show his faith to everyone in China.

Singapore University of Technology and Design

The Singapore University of Technology and Design is established in collaboration with MIT to advance knowledge and nurture technically grounded leaders and innovators to serve societal needs. This will be accomplished, with a focus on Design, through an integrated multi-disciplinary curriculum and multi-disciplinary research.