Marilu Valente (bio)Plastic Morphologies Table
(bio)Plastic Morphologies Table is Iron Design Award winner in 2014 - 2015 Furniture Design Award Category.
(bio)Plastic Morphologies Table

"Form follows the material" is the main inspiration of this design. The product expresses the natural behavior of viscous materials such as bioplastics. Following several experimental manipulations of the bioplastic material, I realized that the material when stretched it creates interesting branching structures which can be exploited for its structural characteristics under compression.

(bio)Plastic Morphologies Table
Marilu Valente (bio)Plastic Morphologies
Marilu Valente Table
Marilu Valente design
Marilu Valente design
Marilu Valente

The passion for sustainability and technology drives my design aesthetics. Using my strong digital visualization techniques, I strive to create inspiring sustainable designs. Innovation is a key word in my projects. My portfolio showcases a broad range of innovative structural designs, graphic and interaction design.

Marilu Valente

The passion for sustainability and technology drives my design aesthetics. My designs are inspired by sustainability which is a subject that I explore from many different points of view. Through my designs I try to to what nature is trying to teach us, to what the material want to say, to what the form wants to become.