A Power Chain Saw with a Revolving Handle. This chain has a handle that revolves 360° and stops at predefined angles. In general, people cut trees horizontally or vertically by turning their saws at certain angles or leaning or tilting their body parts. Unfortunately, the saw often slips from the user’s grasp or the user has to work in an awkward position, which may cause injuries. To make up for such drawbacks, the proposed saw is fitted with a revolving handle so that the user can adjust the cutting angles.
Designsori is No.1 Design potal site in Korea. And We also hosted a design competition for the concept design study to be. So, students and companies to come in the future to present a design that can be helpful in the future design of the preceding. Our company gives students a lot of concept design is what Korea to teach students receive an internationally recognized company that helps. Korea and the overall design you want to create an opportunity to develop.