Daniel Kutcher 180º North East Novel
180º North East Novel is Platinum Design Award winner in 2013 - 2014 Print and Published Media Design Award Category.
180º North East Novel

"180º North East" is a 90,000 word adventure narrative. It tells the true story of the journey Daniel Kutcher made through Australia, Asia, Canada and Scandinavia in the fall of 2009 when he was 24. Integrated within the main body of text that tells the story of what he lived through and learnt during the trip, photos, maps, expressive text and video help immerse the reader in the adventure and give a better sense of the author's own personal experience.

180º North East Novel
Daniel Kutcher 180º North East
Daniel Kutcher Novel
Daniel Kutcher design
Daniel Kutcher design
Daniel Kutcher

Daniel Kutcher is an artist and designer who specialises in telling both fictional and true stories through the medium of film. His upbringing in various european countries as well as other journeys that have led him through different parts of the world have a direct influence in his work. He has completed two documentaries and is currently developing a third. He has also just completed a first prototype of a true life adventure novel recounting a journey he made across Australia, Asia, Canada and Scandinavia when he was 24.

Daniel Kutcher

Daniel Kutcher is a film maker based in Madrid, Spain. He has worked on various independent projects including both short films and documentaries. He has also taken on other personal independent projects including the development of a book recounting a journey he made through Australia, Asia, America and Europe when he was 24 years old.