Vestel ID Team Xx240 Bms Snb Led Tv LED television
Xx240 Bms Snb Led Tv LED television is Golden Design Award winner in 2012 - 2013 Digital and Electronic Device Design Award Category.
Xx240 Bms Snb Led Tv LED television

XX240 LED TV series include 32", 39", 40", 42", 47", 50" from the most affordable mid -size to the highest segment big size TVs with same design idea offering several options. The display design also belongs to the production company and it is assembled with BMS methodology. Display metal is painted with high quality paint because the design leaves the bezel area open and only frames it with wall thickness of the back cover. So TV seems to be covered with only a thin frame and the illuminated logo area below.

Xx240 Bms Snb Led Tv LED television
Vestel ID Team Xx240 Bms Snb Led Tv
Vestel ID Team LED television
Vestel ID Team design
Vestel Electronics Co.

Vestel Electronics is world's one of the leading consumer electronics design, development and production company. It is located at Turkey, Manisa.