Claudio Sibille Mäss Transformable sofa.
Mäss Transformable sofa. is Silver Design Award winner in 2012 - 2013 Furniture Design Award Category.
Mäss Transformable sofa.

I wanted to create a modular sofa that could be transformed in several separate seating solutions. The whole furniture consists of just two different pieces of the same shape to form a variety of solutions. The main structure is the same lateral shape of the arm rests but only thicker. The arm rests can be turned 180 degrees to change or continue the main piece of the furniture.

Mäss Transformable sofa.
Claudio Sibille Mäss
Claudio Sibille Transformable sofa.
Claudio Sibille design
Claudio Sibille design
Claudio Sibille

Claudio Sibille is a uruguayan industrial designer who graduated from IUB (Instituto Universitario Bios) in 2009, in Montevideo, Uruguay. His expertise is furniture and more specifically how it can offer viable and innovative solutions to reduced spaces. Concepts such as function, utility and versatility accompany his projects so faithful and constant. He is currently the head designer for Hong Kong based M3 company.