Never before have you been able to walk into a store and purchase a staircase that will fit any situation, straight flight, single winder, double winder etc., until now. Kwik Stairs will do just that. Visit any good builders merchants with the knowledge of your floor to floor height where you need your stairs and walk out with your flat packed staircase. On site, assemble your staircase and install, as easy as that. One staircase in One day. Kwik stairs have designed a flat pack staircase that uses a carefully designed template to make it possible for the user to build any staircase to fit any situation directly on site. You do not need to place an order for your stairs you can purchase them directly off the shelf the same day as you need them. They are very cost effective so no need to waste time in contacting companies for quotations. You buy a straight flight and add any winders as needed. You measure your own floor to floor measurement and work off of a carefully produced system that will tell you what requirements are needed and therefore what template you need to follow. You buy your staircase there and then, you don’t have to place an order or wait for someone to give you a delivery time. You take your staircase to the site and using the template supplied with all of the prepared components you assemble your staircase. A straight flight has been done in less than two hours!!! You then fit your staircase into your opening. Your stairs are ready to use. How easy is that? Makes you wonder why you ever did it any differently.