Xun Peng Escape Camping Kitchen System
Escape Camping Kitchen System is Iron Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Outdoor Gear and Camping Equipment Design Award Category.
Escape Camping Kitchen System

Escape is a portable all in one camping kitchen system. The camping kitchen system is designed based on the user's camping kitchen behavior to make the process more comfortable and smooth. The kitchen system is available in both folded and unfolded states. In the folded state, it is easy to transport, and when it is needed, it can be unfolded and used. The system integrates five functional modules: storage area, meal preparation area, cooking area, storage area and dining area, which meet the needs of users during the camping and cooking process.

Escape Camping Kitchen System
Xun Peng Escape
Xun Peng Camping Kitchen System
Xun Peng design
Xun Peng design
Xun Peng

他的名字叫彭迅,是一名年轻的设计 ,专门从事产品设计和交互设计。他 设计有着独到的见解,他认为设计不 仅仅是外在的装饰,更是对生活和情 表达的深刻诠释。他善于从生活细节 提取设计元素,并将其作为创作的灵 感来源。他的设计风格独特多样,具 现代简约的时尚感,又不失传统文化 气息。他善于巧妙地将各种元素融合 在一起,创造出独特的作品。

Xiamen University of Technology

Xiamen University of Technology is located in Xiamen, a "high-quality, high-value, modernized and internationalized" garden city on the sea, and is a public undergraduate university in Fujian Province, with a management system based on the city and province. The university adheres to the philosophy of "educating people and serving industries", follows the school motto of "Being rational and refined, keeping pace with the times", and actively explores the trinity of industry-academia fusion, school-enterprise cooperation and external cooperation to serve the local development road, and builds a "pro-industry, open-ended, modernized and internationalized" university in Xiamen. We are actively exploring the integration of industry and university, cooperation with enterprises and external cooperation to build a first-class high-level university of applied technology in China, which is "pro-industry, open and internationalized".