Lattoog Luar Armchair
Luar Armchair is Silver Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Furniture Design Award Category.
Luar Armchair

The Luar armchair is the result of a transformation into a piece of furniture of the iconographic stone sidewalk patterns of Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro, the designers' hometown. The armchair presents a composition of contrasts: Wood, with all its slenderness and transparency, contrasts with upholstered elements that are robust, soft and comfortable. Its shape comes from a technique that the companies Lattoog and Schuster have researched over ten years. Pressed wood micro laminates that allow seamless, curvilinear, and highly resistant structures, with optimal use of the material.

Luar Armchair
Lattoog Luar
Lattoog Armchair
Lattoog design
Lattoog design

Lattoog is a carioca company specialized in design founded by architect and urban planner Leonardo Lattavo and self-taught designer Pedro Moog. The name Lattoog is a fusion of the surnames of the two partners - Lattavo and Moog - and synthesizes the creative process of the duo: The conjunction of ideas from two minds, two different backgrounds, two distinct creative processes that share the desire to express Rio and Brazilian culture through the practice of design.


Lattoog is an acronym of the owner’s surnames. Behind the brand are the binding forces of architect Leonardo Lattavo and designer Pedro Moog. Both have united two different yet complementary academic backgrounds to offer their own approach on furniture design. What was once but a hobby from 1999 until 2003, ended up becoming the duo’s main occupation in 2004. One year later, at the launch of their first furniture collection in Sao Paolo, the name Lattoog surges along with a clear goal: To make the best use of the newest techniques and technologies available and combine them with traditional local craftsmanship without ever giving up on the very cultural and human elements so dear to Brazilian culture.