Wingly Shih Raised History Festival Light Installation
Raised History Festival Light Installation is Iron Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Lighting Projects and Light Art Design Award Category.
Raised History Festival Light Installation

This is a lighting installation designed for Christmas. Utilizing wooden lattice, the installation reveals its internal structure, forming the shape of a tree. Different and changing colors of light are projected onto canvases at the bottom of each layer, creating a vibrant and diverse display. The installation is situated near an old canal, the brilliant array of colors makes the entire installation a visual focal point, infusing the entire harbor area with a lively festive atmosphere.

Raised History Festival Light Installation
Wingly Shih Raised History
Wingly Shih Festival Light Installation
Wingly Shih design
Wingly Shih design
Wingly Shih

Wingly Shih, a designer/artist/researcher/educator whose expertise is crossing multiple disciplines including architecture, exhibition design and information technology. He hold two Bachelor's degrees from Computer Science and Physics, a Master of Architecture and a PhD. of Civil Engineering. He has great enthusiasm and passion in education, conducting research in innovative design process and practical design products. As a professor, he has teaching positions in departments of Digital Media Design, Spatial Design and Visual Communication Design.