Maria Burgelova Bits'n'Bites Mobile Application
Bits'n'Bites Mobile Application is Iron Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Mobile Technologies, Applications and Software Design Award Category.
Bits'n'Bites Mobile Application

The name Bits'n'Bites suggests small snacks and friendly chats. This is a reminder of a time when face to face interactions were more common. In today's digital age, bites points to the idea of using small digital pieces for larger projects. The logo captures this blend of technology and warmth. Its is a symbol of both the joy of real life conversations over coffee and the sharing of information online. It reflects a modern yet cozy approach, where technology enhances human connection.

Bits'n'Bites Mobile Application
Maria Burgelova Bits'n'Bites
Maria Burgelova Mobile Application
Maria Burgelova design
Maria Burgelova design
Maria Burgelova

Maria has been working as a designer since 2008. She is currently the Managing and Creative Director at More By Us, where she leads a dynamic team providing a wide range of design and branding services to multinational companies and startups. She has experience in graphic and web design, marketing, and management. Through her work, Maria has gained extensive experience and understanding of design in the context of different cultures and societies. She is always guided by her childlike curiosity about the world, which she considers her greatest strength.

More By Us

More By Us is a creative branding agency that specializes in building unique brands and experiences. They offer design, branding, and development services that are carefully tailored to help businesses aiming to make a mark in their industries. Their approach is closely aligned with each company’s goals, ensuring their clients can stand out and move towards market leadership in a thoughtful way.