Ladan Zadfar HilfePunkt Mobile Application
HilfePunkt Mobile Application is Iron Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Mobile Technologies, Applications and Software Design Award Category.
HilfePunkt Mobile Application

Migrating entails grappling with unfamiliar rules, especially without language knowledge. The Hilfe Punkt serves as a guiding light, simplifying the path of newcomers by providing different services such as getting appointments and receiving informational updates. Tailored for diverse groups, it breaks language barriers, offering native language support for clear communication with authorities. Crucially, it tailors information based on users' locations. Its mission is swift adaptation, empowering seamless integration.

HilfePunkt Mobile Application
Ladan Zadfar HilfePunkt
Ladan Zadfar Mobile Application
Ladan Zadfar design
Ladan Zadfar design
Ladan Zadfar

Ladan Zadfar has a genuine fascination for delving into the needs and real challenges faced by customers or users. Her primary focus is on merging quantitative data with qualitative feedback, ensuring evidence-based strategic design solutions that align with both client expectations and project objectives. This mindset propels her towards a journey of continuous learning and self-challenge, pushing boundaries in various aspects to deliver the most optimal outcomes.

Creator Studio

Creator studio is a design studio which was established in 2012 .Creator studio is not like other design studios , it is different in all ways . We work as a group and we are connected to each other . We are not anticipating the future , we are creating it . We mostly care about making people's lives easier and healthier . We do not believe in human's limits , we believe that there are no limitations for imagination and innovation . We look at the world the way it really is not the way we think it is so we are able to see the flaws and try to fix them .