X Architecture & Engineering Consult One Floreasca Vista Residential Development
One Floreasca Vista Residential Development is Iron Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award Category.
One Floreasca Vista Residential Development

Situated by Lake Floreasca, One Floreasca Vista revitalizes its urban surroundings, offering coherence amidst chaos. Its bespoke duplex apartments, crafted to fit the land's gradient, unveil private gardens. The architecture, influenced by three pivotal orientations, the street, lake, and underground metro, orchestrates a dynamic ambiance. A semi-private triangular courtyard fosters connectivity, weaving pedestrian pathways to adjacent structures and the vibrant boulevard, creating a seamless blend of open and enclosed spaces.

One Floreasca Vista Residential Development
X Architecture & Engineering Consult One Floreasca Vista
X Architecture & Engineering Consult Residential Development
X Architecture & Engineering Consult design
X Architecture & Engineering Consult design
X Architecture & Engineering Consult

XAE's technical and multidisciplinary nature supports the poetic spatial approach through study, experimentation and reflection in meaningful urban-scale projects. Walking through our spaces offers a kind of knowledge of the world through architecture. The multicultural experiences of over 30 architects stimulate creative talent and sense of spatial investigation. The result is a spatially complex architecture that responds to context and defines an innovative vision of the future.

X Architecture & Engineering Consult

X Architecture & Engineerings's technical and multidisciplinary nature supports the poetic spatial approach through study, experimentation and reflection in meaningful urban-scale projects. Walking through our spaces offers a kind of knowledge of the world through architecture. The multicultural experiences of over 30 architects stimulate creative talent and sense of spatial investigation. The result is a spatially complex architecture that responds to context and defines an innovative vision of the future