Wei Jingye Blooming Leisure Chair
Blooming Leisure Chair is Bronze Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Furniture Design Award Category.
Blooming Leisure Chair

The furniture is an organic form of metal chair, designed to extract the natural flow lines of flowers as they bloom, combining flowers with ergonomics. Through the abstraction and transformation of the natural flower form, it reflects the power and beauty of life. At the same time, the material selection, structural design and modeling language of the seat have been carefully considered and designed, which can provide users with a comfortable, beautiful and stable experience.

Blooming Leisure Chair
Wei Jingye Blooming
Wei Jingye Leisure Chair
Wei Jingye design
Wei Jingye design
Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts

Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts predecessor was built in 1938 in Lu'an Lu Xun Art Institute. By Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and other older generation leaders personally advocated the creation. Comrade Mao Tse-tung wrote his school name and the motto of "nervous, serious, hardworking and open-minded" for the college. In 1945, Yan'an Luyi moved to the northeast. 1958 Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts. Long history of running a school has accumulated profound cultural connotation and the leading school strength.