Online gallery that exposes the aged sake as work of art. Aged sake is a minor genre among Japanese sake, and the design team needed to re-propose it to the world in a way that is not bound by the traditional context of Japanese sake. Therefore, they created a design to position Aquetha, which is characterized by ice-temperature aging, as the umbrella for the online gallery Kitamura Sake Exhibition, which views aged sake as works of art, and as the first of the works that will be exhibited and sold there. Based on this concept, they planned and developed bottles that are hand-made by art.
tacto was founded in 2020 with the vision to evolve digital design in Japan. tacto is a creative team that builds experience design from scratch, and a design consulting company that releases business from pre-established harmony to create a positive impact. tacto provides design consulting services centered on Story Design. The websites of fast-growing startups in Europe and the United States have an item called "OUR STORY," which not only serves as a guide to quality and functionality, but also attracts people in and of itself. The reason designs that don't communicate well or are difficult to use, is the lack of a story. Why do brands and services exist? How do we change people's lives and society? tacto discursively and visualize these things, and instill a clear intention in the project.
tacto inc. is Experience Design Consultancy located in Tokyo, Japan. Creative team that builds experience design from scratch, and a design consulting company that releases business from pre-established harmony to create a positive impact.
Results will be Announced to Public on April 15, 2025. Visit our winners' page on April 15, 2025 to see the worlds' leading designs, ideas, trends and concepts in 2025.
Registration to A' Design Award & Competition 2024-2025 period is now open. Register and upload your design today to know how good your design is: get a complimentary preliminary score.