Ben Chiaro Interior Design Opulence Workspace
Opulence Workspace is Silver Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
Opulence Workspace

The workstations feature wide upward-curved ceilings, a design choice aimed at optimizing ceiling height and visually unifying the space. Full-height glass walls separate the workstations from the managerial zones, serving practical purposes such as admitting daylight and facilitating surveillance. Throughout these areas, the formal design language and intricate detailing extend from the ground floor, infusing the workplace with a distinctive character. Notably, various modes of illumination add further depth and ambiance to the environment, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics.

Opulence Workspace
Ben Chiaro Interior Design Opulence
Ben Chiaro Interior Design Workspace
Ben Chiaro Interior Design design
Ben Chiaro Interior Design design
Ben Chiaro Interior Design

The founder of Ben Chiaro Interior Design was born into a family deeply rooted in the world of interior design. Both his father and grandfather were involved in construction-related professions. Growing up, he spent weekends and holidays accompanying his father to construction sites, where he was exposed to the intricacies of the industry. This early exposure sparked his passion for interior design, as he gradually developed a keen eye for aesthetics and design. After completing high school, he pursued formal education in interior design. Since then, he has remained dedicated to his craft, continually honing his skills and expertise in the field of interior design

Ben Chiaro Interior Design

At Ben Chiaro Interior Design, we believe that interior design is more than just arranging furniture and selecting colors; it's about creating environments that inspire, captivate, and elevate the human experience. Established with a passion for creativity and a commitment to excellence, we brings together a team of talented designers, and craftsmen dedicated to transforming ordinary spaces into extraordinary realms of beauty and functionality. With our expertise spanning residential, commercial, and hospitality sectors, we pride ourselves on delivering innovative solutions tailored to meet the unique needs and aspirations of our clients.