Babak Eslahjou 210 Bloor Multi Residential House
210 Bloor Multi Residential House is Golden Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award Category.
210 Bloor Multi Residential House

210 Bloor is a 29-storey mixed-use building home to 42 residential units, 126m2 of retail space and 3 levels of below-grade parking. The development will result in a gross floor area of 15,589m2 with an overall density of 20 times the area of the lot. The design features a mirrored glass triangular tessellated geometric pattern on the east and west facades, which are designed right to the property line. The mirrored finish of the hexagonal panels creates a canvas of reflected light and forms.

210 Bloor Multi Residential House
Babak Eslahjou 210 Bloor
Babak Eslahjou Multi Residential House
Babak Eslahjou design
Babak Eslahjou design
CORE Architects

CORE Architects is an award-winning architectural firm based in Toronto, Canada. For the past thirty years, we have distinguished ourselves from our competitors by offering innovative yet thoughtful design solutions. Since our inception, CORE has been responsible for the design of over 160 condominium projects; 40,000 residential units; the urban master planning for over 200 million square feet of residential development; numerous private residences, and a number of recreational and sports clubs, restaurants, hotels, resorts, office environments and over 1500 retail rollouts globally. At CORE, we are committed to incorporating environmental sustainability into planning, building design and construction. Our commitment is more than words. Our process incorporates goals to minimize resource consumption, optimize building performance, and promote the health of building occupants and users.