Benoit Vauthier Mt 12 Coffee Table
Mt 12 Coffee Table is Bronze Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Furniture Design Award Category.
Mt 12 Coffee Table

Our connected world requires to live fast and efficiently. That's why the real luxury today is the ability to slow down, take time and be surrounded with beautiful things made with care and respectful of the environment. This coffee table with a sculpture of a mountain on its top evokes the poetry of the endless horizons and plunges the spectator into a contemplative state. This project bridges the gap between design, art and craftsmanship to combine aesthetic and practicality. The wood used to make this table comes from sustainably managed forests and the top is entirely hand-carved.

Mt 12 Coffee Table
Benoit Vauthier Mt 12
Benoit Vauthier Coffee Table
Benoit Vauthier design
Benoit Vauthier design
Benoit Vauthier

Benoit Vauthier is a French designer who likes to link arts and craftmanship. All his designs tell a story in a narrative and poetic way. His works are a compromise between utility and aesthetics. As a former theater lighting designer, he always likes to put technique (here woodworking) at the service of art. By creating mountainous landscapes on furniture, he invites the viewer to take time, slow down and let themselves be carried away by a contemplative feeling. It's not just a piece of furniture, it's a true piece of art.

Benoit Vauthier

Benoît Vauthier is a French designer, woodcarver and woodworker based in the Vosges moutains (France). He studied cabinet making and wood carving at the Institut québécois d'ébénisterie in Canada. After graduating, he developed a unique signature which combines art, design and expertise. He draws his inspiration from the power and the poetry of the great mountainous or marine spaces to develop furniture with clean lines inviting to reverie and contemplation. As craftsman, he shapes his projects and his sculptures entirely by hand in his workshop. He uses almost exclusively local woods, selected from the surrounding sawmills.