Chien-Cheng, Liu Win the Future Free-Range Egg Gift Box
Win the Future Free-Range Egg Gift Box is Silver Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Packaging Design Award Category.
Win the Future Free-Range Egg Gift Box

It spearheaded the gift boxes creation, infused with ESG principles from printing to packaging. By opting for soy-based ink and eschewing repetitive hot stamping, the design amplifies recyclability, echoing a steadfast dedication to sustainability. This metamorphosis elevates ordinary chicken eggs into meaningful gifts, embodying sustainable values. Through the innovative integration of eggshell paper trays, a product of Chinyi Eggs Technology, the design showcases environmental friendliness and recycling practices while ensuring outstanding durability and texture.

Win the Future Free-Range Egg Gift Box
Chien-Cheng, Liu Win the Future
Chien-Cheng, Liu Free-Range Egg Gift Box
Chien-Cheng, Liu design
Chien-Cheng, Liu design
Chinyi Eggs Technology

The first professional liquid egg company in Taiwan. Established in the 1980s, amidst Taiwan's economic boom and the consequent rise in disposable income, there was a surge in demand for egg products in the market. In response to this demand and with the aim of elevating Taiwan's egg industry standards, Chinyi Eggs Technology was founded. Chinyi boasts a profound expertise in biotechnology research and development. Over the years, the company has continuously integrated biotechnology with product innovation to meet market demands and address environmental challenges. One notable achievement is the successful development of a technology that repurposes discarded eggshells, not only resolving the issue of eggshell waste but also transforming it into high-value-added products. The successful development of this technology once again underscores Chinyi's leading position in the field of biotechnological research and development.