Ningjing Yang The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office
The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office is Silver Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office

The interior bounds of the sales office exactly inherits and exhibits the core design concept of the architecture, which means the scenic landscapes and manner of Jiangnan specific to the West Lake are brought inside and converted to the key features of the region. With insights gained into the West Lake, how to work out a poetic space with the West Lake landscapes in the new town with rows of high-rise buildings reflect the designer’s prudent thinking about this land.

The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion Sales Office
Ningjing Yang The Poetic Moon Hangcheng Mansion
Ningjing Yang Sales Office
Ningjing Yang design
Ningjing Yang design
Ningjing Yang

界上设计是由张蓉Jenny⼥⼠于 2017 年,在杭州创立的室内硬软装设计品 。 创始人曾与Promemoira、B&B、Molteni& C 等 50 余家意大利知名家居品牌展开亲密合 ,并打造了众多标杆性 的样板房和私宅项目。 作为较早将意式⽣活⽅式引⼊国内的 内设计品牌之⼀, 界上秉承“超越边界,设计无疆”的 念,拥有一批国际化视野的团队,形 室内硬软装于⼀体的专业体系。为⾼ 端房企提供售楼处、样板房等整体解 方案、为私⼈业主提供室内设计与陈 服务。创办至今,界上设计作品已被 美国缪斯设计大奖、美国建筑大师奖 TITAN地产大奖、伦敦设计奖等专业奖 收录。

The Design Code CO.LTD

The Design Code is an interior hard and soft furnishing design brand founded by Jenny Zhang in Hangzhou in 2017. The founder ever worked closely with 50 well-known Italian home furnishing brands, including Promemoira, B&B and Molteni&C, and worked out a collection of benchmarking model houses and private residence projects. As one of the first interior design brands that bring Italian lifestyle to China, the Design Code employing a team with global view adheres to the concept of “Crossing Bound, Unlimited Design” and establishes a specialized system engaged in interior hard and soft furnishings. It tailors end-to-end solutions for sales offices and model houses for high-end real estate enterprises, and interior design and furnishing services for private owners. From the date of establishment, its works have been collected by the Muse Design Award, the American Architecture Award, the TITAN Property Awards, and the London Design Award, among other awards.