Masaki Takahashi Taki Landscape
Taki Landscape is Bronze Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Landscape Planning and Garden Design Award Category.
Taki Landscape

Taki is a landscape project for a site in Niseko, Japan. We wanted to create an ideal space while respecting the existing buildings and the natural environment. A staircase made of the same concrete slab as the exterior walls was designed to bring a sense of unity between the building and the garden. The artisanal masonry waterfall, created using natural spring water, has a strong design impact. Seasonal flowers are planted along the promenade, allowing visitors to fully enjoy the four seasons of Hokkaido.

Taki Landscape
Masaki Takahashi Taki
Masaki Takahashi Landscape
Masaki Takahashi design
Masaki Takahashi design
Masaki Takahashi

彼はデザイナー、現場監督、そして 園会社の社長です。 エデア社が描く風景は、一目でエデ の作品とわかるほど個性的です。 素材はそのまま使うのではなく、ク エイティブな使い方をしており、デ イン性だけでなく機能性も高い。

Edea Corporation

Many of our clients are particular about their gardens and want them to be special. Since no two gardens have the same environmental conditions, we create the best original design for each space for customer. In design, we are conscious of the conflicting aspects of the design and give the design an edge through interaction. For example, if the space is in a forest, I insert artificial objects, and if it is in the city, I insert elements of the forest. The materials used are almost never ready-made materials, but rather original materials. And also, the main materials used are stone, iron, and wood, and almost no artificial materials are used. By narrowing down the types of materials, we have created a simple and sharp finish. We also differentiate ourselves from other companies in terms of design by devising ways to showcase the materials. In order to increase customer satisfaction, we spend a lot of time in meetings and make no compromises. We are not influenced by trends, but always keep in mind that the design will not get boring even after years of use.