Derived from the auspicious and wealth-attracting symbolism of the mythical Chinese creature Pixiu, the designer immersed themselves in a comprehensive study of its form, legends, and cultural significance. Skillfully weaving these elements into the fabric of contemporary aesthetics, they achieved the creation of not just functional but also stylish everyday decor items. This seamless fusion effortlessly infuses a sense of tradition into modern living, encapsulating the cultural richness of Pixiu in a manner that is both practical and visually appealing.
"Be Genius Design and Cultural Research (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd." is an institute jointly established by Youkun Design of Shenzhen, School of Design and Arts at Henan University of Technology, and Guanyi Cultural Design Research Center. The company's mission is to propel the advancement of cultural research and design-related fields. Its dedication lies in crafting cultural and creative product designs that resonate with societal needs, thereby pioneering a fresh endeavor in collaborative industry-academia-research initiatives.
The Be Genius Design is a collaborative research organization established by universities and enterprises, dedicated to research and development in the cultural and creative field. Genius Design uphold a philosophy of interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation, aiming to integrate research on cultural and creative products with practical industry applications. Through a collaborative approach between academia and industry, Genius Design seek to organically integrate the realms of education, business, and research.