Matsu Biennial Matsu Biennial 2023 Art Festival
Matsu Biennial 2023 Art Festival is Iron Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Event and Happening Design Award Category.
Matsu Biennial 2023 Art Festival

Matsu Biennial is a 10 year, 5 part aspirational plan to provide lasting foundations for social design. Its 70 works of mixed-media art and cross-disciplinary creation across 9 curatorial projects take on the challenges of sustainable regional development. Matsu's Cold-War era tunnels, war zone archives, Eastern Min tradition, architecture, and language sees 200 households practicing winemaking tradition, inspiring the theme Ruby Red After Summer. The Biennial transforms art into the yeast to give rise to suppressed voices and turn Matsu into a base for art and design.

Matsu Biennial 2023 Art Festival
Matsu Biennial Matsu Biennial 2023
Matsu Biennial Art Festival
Matsu Biennial design
Matsu Biennial design
Matsu Biennial

Matsu Biennial is jointly organized by the Lienchiang County Government and the General Assembly of Chinese Culture, bringing together with the curatorial, marketing, and operational teams. During the exhibition, dozens of volunteers also participate in collaboration. It invites artists and curators from Taiwan and international spheres to the Matsu island, aiming to disrupt local communities through art, revitalize regional development, and enhance island cultural identity. Recognized by international media, it is praised for its translation of battlefield cultural assets, realizing the goal of becoming an 'Island Museum'.

Lienchiang County Government and The General Association of Chinese Culture

Setting up a project office to introduce the Matsu Biennial format, burnish the regional brand of Matsu, and advance social design in the region, Lienchiang Government’s mission is to forge the Matsu islands into a base that sustains art and design.