Pan Yong English and Numbers AW Smartwatch Face
English and Numbers AW Smartwatch Face is Bronze Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Interface, Interaction and User Experience Design Award Category.
English and Numbers AW Smartwatch Face

In this design, the captivating allure emerges from the intentional fusion of English and numerical digit fonts. The deliberate contrast between these font styles creates a surprising sense of harmony. While both fonts adhere to a square structure, one of them features gently rounded corners, adding a subtle softness. It is these meticulously crafted square shapes and softened edges that infuse a gentle touch into the overall robustness of the design, thereby enhancing the user experience.

English and Numbers AW Smartwatch Face
Pan Yong English and Numbers AW
Pan Yong Smartwatch Face
Pan Yong design
Pan Yong design
Pan Yong

Pan Yong, also known as Alex, is a Singaporean artist renowned for his innovative approach to art. Graduating from Lasalle College of the Arts in 2007 with a degree in interactive art, he embarked on a journey to explore the fusion of art and technology. With a fervent belief in the transformative power of this combination, Pan Yong delves into uncharted territories where artistry meets technological prowess. His creations serve as bridges between these seemingly disparate domains, pushing the boundaries of traditional art and embracing the boundless possibilities of technology. Through his work, he strives to provoke thought, evoke emotion, and spark dialogue, inviting viewers to contemplate the intricate relationship between human creativity and technological advancement. Pan Yong's relentless pursuit of innovation has earned him recognition not only in Singapore but also on the global stage, where his visionary artworks continue to inspire and captivate audiences worldwide.


Artalex is a personal design brand. It was founded by Alex Pan Yong for his hobby and represents his passion for art and design from him. It started as just a name for his Instagram account. In 2017, it became his brand name, and the watch face design became one of the main design areas.