Hongqun Li Multi Function Analyzer Chronic Disease Monitor
Multi Function Analyzer Chronic Disease Monitor is Bronze Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Medical Devices and Medical Equipment Design Award Category.
Multi Function Analyzer Chronic Disease Monitor

Multi functional analyzer is a home chronic disease management platform to help users with common chronic disease problems such as blood glucose, lipids, blood pressure, uric acid and other indicators to monitor the status of their own condition. The design of the three blood test holes help users facing a variety of chronic disease problems, achieve a single blood collection of multi item testing, combined with independent blood pressure test holes to help the user to monitor the chronic disease.

Multi Function Analyzer  Chronic Disease Monitor
Hongqun Li Multi Function Analyzer
Hongqun Li  Chronic Disease Monitor
Hongqun Li design
Hongqun Li design
Hongqun Li

她是一名营销总监,也是一名IVD公司 设计师,专注于创新的医疗器械设计 开发。 Assure Tech由体外诊断行业的资深专家于2008年 创立,是一家高科技生物技术公司。