Mayté Ossorio Domecq Organic Contemporary Jewelry Line
Organic Contemporary Jewelry Line is Silver Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Jewelry Design Award Category.
Organic Contemporary Jewelry Line

The Organic line works the fold by means of a rolled and, depending on the case, warped surface. The formal feature that articulates the product line is the cleft, both horizontally and vertically. This involves the transformation of flat geometric shapes (rectangles and squares) into volumetric shapes (slits) by means of straight cross sections and strategic joints at a point. The cleft contributes mainly to the meaning of the concepts of rhythm and organicity.

Organic  Contemporary Jewelry Line
Mayté Ossorio Domecq Organic
Mayté Ossorio Domecq Contemporary Jewelry Line
Mayté Ossorio Domecq design
Mayté Ossorio Domecq design
Mayté Ossorio Domecq

I am in love with design in all its ways. I like objects madly, I believe above all in their history. I believe in beauty and functionality and that it is not necessary to buy raw materials for them to have value. I think that as designers, it is our duty to build networks where we can design new things through the revaluation of the remaining raw material of others and in the same way work revaluing the trades, generating work in the region. I believe in design as a powerful weapon of education and awareness.

Maison Domecq

Maison Domecq - Mayte Domecq, is a contemporary sustainable leather jewelry brand. Its pillars are the rescue of the crafts, the rescue of the raw material (reuse), respect for people and care for the environment.