Kenzo Noridomi Horizontal Long Mesh Bonfire Stand
Horizontal Long Mesh Bonfire Stand is Silver Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Outdoor Gear and Camping Equipment Design Award Category.
Horizontal Long Mesh Bonfire Stand

While open fires can damage turf and soil, this lightweight and compact product with a stainless steel frame and concave framing of the mesh allows you to enjoy bonfires in a variety of settings without spreading ashes or fire sparks around the environment.The patented structure in Japan allows flames to penetrate the mesh at night, allowing you to watch the wood gently turn to ash.

Horizontal Long Mesh Bonfire Stand
Kenzo Noridomi Horizontal Long Mesh
Kenzo Noridomi Bonfire Stand
Kenzo Noridomi design
Kenzo Noridomi design
Norinori Life

Norinori Life is a product brand by NORIDOMI IRON WORKS CO.,LTD., a Japanese sluice manufacturer. The products are handmade by craftsmen using metalworking techniques cultivated through sluice gate manufacturing. NORIDOMI means HIGH SPIRITS in Japanese. We aim to make outdoor, garden, kitchen, and various other scenes of daily life more enjoyable with our craftsmanship.