Ekko Chen Simple Harmonic Residence
Simple Harmonic Residence is Bronze Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
Simple Harmonic Residence

Took light earthy colors and mixed styles to realize an independent yet interactive home. The open-plan social area is large in scale, while the lowered TV wall subtly defines the function of the area and forms a vista with the artistic marble pattern. The dining room simplifies materials to create a comfortable atmosphere, with rounded and curved lines to showcase details such as concave, convex, and irregular interlacing. Although the space is only in one color, it is still visually striking.

Simple Harmonic Residence
Ekko Chen Simple Harmonic
Ekko Chen Residence
Ekko Chen design
Ekko Chen design
Ekko Chen

Intangible creativity comes from pure and simple imagination. The structured space expresses the two sides of art and life. Intangible creativity comes from pure and simple imagination. The structured space expresses the two sides of art and life. Intangible creativity comes from pure and simple imagination. The structured space expresses the two sides of art and life. Intangible creativity comes from pure and simple imagination. The structured space expresses the two sides of art and life.

Shape 2 Design

Intangible creativity comes from pure and simple imagination. The structured space expresses the two sides of art and life. Intangible creativity comes from pure and simple imagination. The structured space expresses the two sides of art and life. Intangible creativity comes from pure and simple imagination. The structured space expresses the two sides of art and life. Intangible creativity comes from pure and simple imagination. The structured space expresses the two sides of art and life.