Yanming Chen Arty Mobile App
Arty Mobile App is Iron Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Mobile Technologies, Applications and Software Design Award Category.
Arty Mobile App

Arty is a mobile application designed to cater specifically to artists, art enthusiasts, and collectors. The application serves as an all-in-one platform that offers a secure and user-friendly environment for artists to showcase their artwork, interact with other artists, and sell their creations. Artists are able to create their profiles, upload images of their artwork, and provide detailed descriptions of each piece. The app offers visitors various filters and search options to easily discover artwork they enjoy.

Arty Mobile App
Yanming Chen Arty
Yanming Chen Mobile App
Yanming Chen design
Yanming Chen design
Yanming Chen

Her name is Yanming Chen. She grew up in Chengdu, the southwestern Chinese city representing culture, art, and diversity. She graduated from Pratt Institute with a Master’s degree in Communication Design, and currently works as a designer in the field of Graphic Design and UI/UX Design with more than three years of professional experience. She is curious and sensitive. Learning knowledge from related fields, such as illustration and animation, she explores cutting-edge arts and technologies and brings them into her unique work of art. She believes design does not only serve as a tool of communication for designers to output messages to the public but also as a carrier of abstract things such as emotions and as a bridge that bonds between human beings and meaningful objects. Her design is often the illustration of her effort in research and observation through vibrant colors in a minimalistic style

Yanmiing Chen

Yanming's natural curiosity and sensitivity shape her approach to learning. By exploring related fields such as illustration and animation, she keeps herself at the forefront of emerging arts and technologies, incorporating these into her distinctive artistic expressions. Yanming maintains the belief that design transcends mere communication, serving as a vessel for abstract concepts like emotion, as well as a link between humans and objects that hold meaning. Her creations are not just designed but reflections of her meticulous research and observation, often brought to life through a unique interplay of vibrant colors and minimalistic styling.