Ta Wei Huang Endless Cycle of Life Visual Design
Endless Cycle of Life Visual Design is Bronze Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Category.
Endless Cycle of Life Visual Design

This design is inspired by the renowned location in Taiwan, the ChengLong Wetlands, situated in Kouhu Township, Yunlin. Utilizing the water's reflection as a foundation, the designer skillfully incorporates the destination's name, merging it with water ripples, waterfowl, and installation art. This design symbolizes the profound concept of the endless cycle of life, conveying the wetlands' revival and enduring sustainability.

Endless Cycle of Life Visual Design
Ta Wei Huang Endless Cycle of Life
Ta Wei Huang Visual Design
Ta Wei Huang design
Ta Wei Huang design
Yunlin County Government

In recent years, the Yunlin County government has spared no effort in promoting cultural tourism and marketing local attractions, creating a massive influx of tourists, drawing the attention of millions of visitors to Yunlin.