Valentino Chow Edam Balance Bike
Edam Balance Bike is Silver Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Baby, Kids' and Children's Products Design Award Category.
Edam Balance Bike

Inspire the small universe Stimulate children's growth sensory potential. Let children break through the traditional thinking framework and Push the boundaries. Hong Kong custom design studio Edam wanted a fun family project, likely to keep them entertained through the hot and Rain summer in Hong Kong. To get the owner light balance young son on Three spokes wheels, Stripped it down to the bare essentials, and rebuilt it into a fully tuned, lighter, and way cooler superbike.

Edam Balance Bike
Valentino Chow Edam
Valentino Chow Balance Bike
Valentino Chow design
Valentino Chow design
Edam studio

Small Seeds, Big Changes In the process of growing up, there will always be big or small situations that have to be changed. Only by learning to face them can we grow, adapt to the new environment with optimism and bravery, discover the beautiful side, and feel the surprises brought by changes