Zichun Shao Only Text Generative Design
Only Text Generative Design is Iron Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Generative, Algorithmic, Parametric and AI-Assisted Design Award Category.
Only Text Generative Design

Only Textinterior designers mainly rely on renderings to communicate with customers. This project uses designers to cooperate with artificial intelligence AI to generate interior renderings to improve design efficiency. This project trained an AI to generate interior designs, and the ai was given text to create a design. Designs can be generated using this method in seconds and modified through text. Human-computer cooperation in design is a new approach to interior design.

Only Text Generative Design
Zichun Shao Only Text
Zichun Shao Generative Design
Zichun Shao design
Zichun Shao design
Zichun Shao

Zichun Shao is an architect and landscape architect. She holds a bachelor's degree in design and is currently studying for a master's degree in architecture at Macau University of Science and Technology. Her work has participated in many exhibitions in 2021, and won the first prize of the Delft University of Technology China Symposium; the third prize of the second Hakka Cup Design Competition; the Excellent Design Award for the Protection and Regeneration of Rural Built Heritage from the Perspective of Safety Culture ; "First Prize" in Weihong Community Living Room Design Contest.

Zichun Shao

Zichun Shao is an architect and landscape architect. She holds a bachelor's degree in design and is currently studying for a master's degree in architecture at Macau University of Science and Technology. Her work has participated in many exhibitions in 2021, and won the first prize of the Delft University of Technology China Symposium; the third prize of the second Hakka Cup Design Competition; the Excellent Design Award for the Protection and Regeneration of Rural Built Heritage from the Perspective of Safety Culture ; "First Prize" in Weihong Community Living Room Design Contest.