Sea of Ink is an animated short, which is about a story that an artist is struggling with the creative block about the art journey under the sea. This animation portrayed an artist’s creative dilemma and demonstrated a process of breaking through via self discovery. The short artistically discussed emotional exploration during an artwork creation phase. The animation combined a variety of techniques, such as 2D, 3D and live-action photo shooting. The director of the film leveraged the 3D hand-drawn watercolor ink as the artistic style of the film.
Chenxin Yang is an award-winning motion graphic designer, creating hand-drawn textured style animations. Chenxin Yang's past works have been selected in over 30 international film festivals in the past few years, received international recognition as the best animation and have been featured in multiple major media. Chenxin Yang's works are created in the unique style of geometric character design and 3D hand-drawn watercolor ink style.