Yiming Ma Flowers Pattern Design
Flowers Pattern Design is Iron Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Category.
Flowers Pattern Design

Based on the theme of One Belt, One Road, the work combines kaleidoscopic structures with domes of different cultural buildings. In terms of color and structure, this work shows three representative important nodes on the ancient Silk Road: mosque, European and Chinese dome features, forming unique pattern decoration and injecting connotation into the visual effect. The three works are different from each other but do not deviate from the overall theme, forming a complete series of works.

Flowers Pattern Design
Yiming Ma Flowers
Yiming Ma Pattern Design
Yiming Ma design
Yiming Ma design
Yiming Ma

马一鸣,女,汉族,现就读于东北大 艺术学院艺术设计专业视觉传达与媒 设计方向硕士一年级。本科就读于南 京艺术学院设计学院工艺美术专业纤 与纺织品设计方向。本科期间曾担任 生会部长、系总团支书与班团支书, 策划并统筹元旦晚会、校运动会、院 球赛等十余项学生活动。曾获暑期实 优秀先进个人奖。曾为央视综艺节目 《博物馆之夜》设计文创马克杯系列 边。研究生期间曾获辽宁省社科联学 道德论文征集一等奖、东北大学廉政 文化作品征集大赛三等奖等奖项。作 曾入选韩国国际数码展作品集。

Northeastern University

Northeastern University, located in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, is a state key university directly under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. It is jointly built by the Ministry of Education, the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, Liaoning Province and Shenyang City. It is a national" double first-class "university and a national" Project 211 "and" Project 985 "key university. The Ministry of Education has decided to build the first 12 future technical colleges into universities. Selected national science and education projects have "strong base plan ", "2011 Plan", "111 Plan", Excellent Engineer education and training Plan, National new engineering research and practice Project, National Public Graduate Program for Building High-level Universities, host colleges for international students with Chinese Government Scholarship, National Innovative Experimental Plan for College Students, National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Plan for College Students, National Reform of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Fan University, one of the first batch of scientific and technological achievements transformation and technology transfer bases of higher institutions, is a member university of the 21st Century Academic Alliance, the Sino-Russian Comprehensive University Alliance, the director unit of China Artificial Intelligence Education Association, and the first batch of doctoral and master degree awarding units in China.